Sunday, May 30, 2010

Flower Tattoo Art - How to Get the Perfect One For You

If you do not know yet, flower tattoo art is closely associated with creating attractive blossom patterns. Actually, such work of art is done by placing some markings in the body depending on the designs of tattoos that you have chosen. A very stunning tattoo art that makes use of flowers can guarantee you of a tattoo design that will not only look stylish and trendy, but at the same time, will bring a deeper meaning to you. Here are just a few of the other things you need to know regarding getting one for you:

First of all, look for a handsome pattern that will give you utmost pride as you wear such tattoo design on your body. Also, make it a point that there is a deeper meaning or story behind the design that you have personally picked. That way, when people ask you why you have chosen such beautiful designs of flowers, then you have a tale or story to tell, which will definitely give your body art a deeper meaning.

Also, make sure that you also look into the kind of shape that you will want to be drawn on your body. If you are a woman, you should instruct the local tattoo artist doing your markings that it should be something smaller considering you have a lighter and smaller built than a man. If you happen to be a member of the male population, then make sure that even though you are considering getting some flower designs as your body tattoo, you should find the flower tattoo art that will match your gender and will not lessen, but instead enhance your masculinity even more.

On the other hand, if you are a woman in search of an excellent flower tattoo art, make sure you ask your tattooist to do a tattoo which is exactly what you want from the smallest details of the size, the design, the colors, and several others. Such flower designs are actually symbolic of the true spirit and moral fiber of a person; and what is more, it can even bring out the feminine side of you upon wearing such flower tattoo designs. However, make sure that you have finalized all the details of the design you have chosen, so that when the local tattoo artist finally starts to draw or ink your tattoo marking, it will not be difficult for both of you since he already knows what you want.

Furthermore, if you prefer a flower tattoo design that depicts a religious meaning, representing your religious practices and beliefs, then it would be best to select the iris three-way petals as your tattoo design. Such design has actually been considered as a tattoo art that stands for the Holy Trinity, and with the colors symbolizing the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Last of all, you may also wish to have the flower tattoos in combination with birds, or in particular a hummingbird while enjoyably eating the flower's nectars from the flower designs drawn on your body.

If you want to get your body tattooed permanently with a Flower Tattoo Art, then it would be helpful if you know more about the various designs that go with such image. Just click HERE to know more about Tattoos.

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Beauty of Flower Tattoo Designs

Flowers are perhaps the among the strongest object used to symbolized women and tattoos are not any different. For centuries, women have been coming up with more creative and illustrious flower tattoo ideas to add to those that are already in existence. One of the main reasons for this is flower tats will never be out of style in any day and age. What this means is, these tattoos and ideas will be around and tattooed by women all over the globe in years to come yet.

When it comes to flowers, there are really no limitations as to what can be tattooed. No matter what, flower tats will almost always look great on a woman especially when tattooed by an experienced tattoo artist/tattoo parlor using quality tattooing techniques. What this means is there are really no right or wrong when it comes to flower tat ideas. It is more a question of whether these designs suit the woman in question. We do have some flower tattoo ideas to help out women out there wanting to get one (or even in multiples).

First of all, the most obvious would be to choose between a black inked flower tat or a colored flower tat. While flower tats can still look good in black, flowers do bring out the life in these flowers especially when the flower tattoo ideas and designs are in 3D.

Next, flower tattoo ideas can also revolve around the type of flower itself. Although the most common and popular flower used in tattoos are roses, there are also many other flowers that have been tattooed and actually with great results to boot. They can include (but not limited) to orchids, sunflowers, morning glories, lilies and sunflowers.

Flower tattoo ideas can also come in the form of the number of flowers used in the design. For instance, a single rose may look good but when coupled with another bud, it can have adverse effects. On the same note, bouquets or bunches of flowers can also have positive effects. These flower tat ideas may also include other objects or even an image of a person on it. Guns, skulls, sun, women or body part can go well with these flower tats.

Among the most overlooked of flower tat ideas lies in the form of the placement of the tattoos in itself. Having the flower tattooed on the appropriate part of the body can accentuate that body part in question. It really comes down to the issue of how revealing the tattoo is intended to be and for whom the tattoo is targeted at (private or public).

The next tip or advice we have where flower tattoo ideas are concerned lies in the tattoo artist/parlor itself. An experienced and skilled tattoo artist can give you great ideas on the actual design or/and placement of the tattoo based on individual characteristics/personalities and other factors.

The above are only a handful of flower tat ideas and tips to help all those with interest and intentions in acquiring one. The best thing about them is they are constantly evolving in line with the current fashion and trends. In other words, one can almost never go wrong with a beautiful flower tattoo design!

FREE Tattoo Ideas

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Lower Back Tattoos For Women - A Few Thoughts to Ponder Before Getting One

Ladies, if you are looking to get a lower back tattoo, here are few things to think about first. For some men, lower back tattoos on women can be a real turnoff. And besides being perceived as unattractive, your new ink may also trigger an intimidation factor in guys. The last thing you want to do is scare off your new prospect.

Now why would tattoos for women on the lower back potentially scare off some men you ask?

Perhaps because it expresses a sign of independence. It sends out a subliminal message to possible suitors that you are not in need. You are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself and you don't need a man for support. I know...this may sound silly but it is true. Men are wired to be the care providers for women or the knight in shining armor so to speak. Something as simple as a butterfly or fairy tattoo design may suppress this trait in men and may have them looking elsewhere for other partners.

But why would men find my lower back tattoo unattractive?

Well, there are a few reasons. First, a tattoo on a sexy part of the woman's body may send a signal to men that you are promiscuous or flirty. This, in itself, may suggest to men that you have had several sex partners in the past or that you are "very experienced." Some men may find this to be a huge turn on but others may find it to be a huge turn off. It just depends on the man.

Second, not all men feel comfortable about introducing Mom and Dad to a woman with a lower back tattoo. This is only because those men have a pretty good idea of what their parents find to be acceptable. For a lot of parents, tattoos on the lower back may convey the same suggestions of promiscuity.

Lastly, some men may just not prefer lower back tattoos on women. It's as simple as that. Some guys just see them as being unattractive. Then again, some men may find them to be incredibly appealing.

So what can you do?

If you are considering getting a tattoo and you are already in a relationship, run it by your (serious) boyfriend first. Bring it up casually in conversation. See what kind of response it provokes out of him. You might even say, "My friend got a tribal butterfly tattoo on her lower back...what do you think of that." This way at least you have some idea.

You could also just not really care what anybody thinks. If you want a tattoo, then get a tattoo. After all, that's what a tattoo is about, right? It's an open and free form of expression. Why should you care what anyboday thinks? Just be sure that the tattoo you get is the right one and has special meaning to you and you only. Don't get something that you will regret 10, 20, or even 30 years down the road.

To discover the greatest lower back tattoos for women, be sure to visit

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Scorpion Tattoo Design and Meaning

Scorpion Tattoo Design and Meaning

Dragonfly Tattoo

Dragonfly Tattoo

Best Spots For Butterfly Tattoo Designs - Pick the Wrong One and Your Tattoo Could Turn Into a Blob

Best Spots For Butterfly Tattoo Designs - Pick the Wrong One and Your Tattoo Could Turn Into a Blob

Butterfly Tattoos

Butterfly Tattoos

Flower, Star and Butterfly Tattoo Designs - Favorite Girl Tattoos of All Time

Flower, Star and Butterfly Tattoo Designs - Favorite Girl Tattoos of All Time

Celtic Design Tattoos - Pure and Powerful Art

Celtic Design Tattoos - Pure and Powerful Art

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Egyptian Tattoo Vol 2

Egyptian Tattoo Vol 2

Egyptian Tattoo Vol 2

Egyptian Sun Tattoos

Egyptian Sun Tattoos
Egyptian Sun Tattoos
Egyptian Sun Tattoos
Egyptian Sun Tattoos

Egyptian Tattoo Vol 1

Egyptian  Tattoo Vol 1Egyptian "eye of Ra" tattoo

Egyptian  Tattoo Vol 1Egyptian God Horus tattoo

Egyptian  Tattoo Vol 1Egyptian "eye of Horus" tattoo

Egyptian Tattoo

Egyptian  TattooEgyptian style tattoo

Egyptian  TattooEgyptian Cat tattoo

Egyptian  TattooEgyptian symbol tattoo

Friday, May 21, 2010

Tribal Tattoos

So you want a tattoo. You have your eye on one of those impressive tribal armband tattoos. They are nice. But whatever tattoo you chose, you want it to compliment you. Not insult or demean you. Tattoos are as old as mankind. Ancient Egyptian tattoos found on 5,000 year old mummies predate the pyramids. But ancient tattoos weren't just for adornment or self expression like today. They often served more practical purposes. They often had a spiritual significance, ancient warriors used them to declare their military affiliation and rank. On civilians tattoos denoted social rank and importance, or lack of same. For example, the Greeks placed tattoos on their slaves that broadcast the fact that the bearer should not be accorded the rights of a freeman and was in fact another person's property. While Greek spies used tattoos in espionage to smuggle coded messages in plain sight.

This tradition of practical tattoo use survives to this day in gangster culture. Gangsters desire to permanently mark themselves to show absolute devotion to their gangster family, and hopefully to strike fear in their enemies. Even though the gang-bangers know police find tattoos better than fingerprints, and unsurpassed for identifying them in a noninvasive manner at a distance. And despite the fact that wearing one gang's tattoo in another gang's territory could get the wearer killed. Again, traditionally tattoos can show devotion.

But how would you like to pick out a striking tattoo design, commit it to ink as your "forever statement", and only then find out it that it holds you up to ridicule, or is gang related and exposes you to sudden death?

For example, one of the most popular guys at my gym is a black guy I'll call "Pete." His nickname is "Lucky." Lots of us have tattoos and so when Pete announced he was taking the plunge we congratulated him. Tribal armbands are very popular in our crowd and he showed a marked interest so we assumed that would be his choice. But the personal choice involved in the tattoo selection is part of the allure so we made suggestions but didn't interfere or press him on his choice.

We should have.

No, I take that back. With personal choice comes personal responsibility, and Pete choose to do no research. Nor did he elect to ask satisfied tattoo recipients for recommendations of a skilled, responsible professional tattoo artist though he was surrounded by satisfied, and experienced tattoo customers. Both of these are vital prerequisites to getting a tattoo. No, Pete chose an "artist" who had set up shop in a booth at a local carnival and Pete caught him on the carnival's last night in town. You can tell where this is going. Pete proudly informed us the new tattoos on his biceps said "Lucky." in Chinese. He knew that's what the Chinese characters said because that's what he asked the artist to draw, and so he was wearing them now in 'forever ink.' It fell to one of our number, a PhD in Mandarin Chinese studies to break the news. The tattoos actually said "Monkey."

The carnival was long gone. But it left a really nice guy feeling like a clown.

Even if the "artist" who took advantage of our friend was still available, and repentant, there is little he could have done to fix the problem. Some people will have a tattoo artist tattoo over an objectionable tattoo. Possibly blotting it out, (often producing a real mess), Or obliterating it by making it part of another bigger unobjectionable tattoo.

Depending upon the artist's skill level this could simply produce a well-intentioned mess. But Pete could go to a doctor who specializes in removing tattoos with chemicals or lasers, which is usually painful and always expensive, quite often requiring several treatments. That is much more expensive than the tattoo, and still not always effective. That's about all you can do about a bad tattoo, but then the commitment and permanence involved in tattoos is part of the allure for most, making those prerequisites I gave you earlier, of over riding importance.

Tattoos were once frowned upon by polite society, and seen as a designation of the lower classes. They could keep you from being hired for many desirable jobs, which is still the case often today. Be aware your employer may require you as a matter of policy, to remove or cover a new tattoo. But attitudes are changing. Many trendy Hollywood and sports stars proudly sport their "tats."

So if you want a tribal tattoo do your prerequisite homework. Then decide on a tribal style; Celtic, Aztec-Mexican, Polynesian or what have you. Take your time and try to see samples of everything available before you make a decision. You can see tattoo designs online, in books, and e zines. Remember to avoid another common pitfall, that is that most newbies choose one of the first designs they see.

Want the dope on tattoo designs, what they mean and what they say about you? Go to my website

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dragons Tattoos

Dragons Tattoos - something they do for me?

Dragons Tattoos designs are some of the most popular the world today, women and men is done by showing the true pattern than what is picked up. Various cultures have dragon myths about the history and tradition of this kind of story most often repeated story is of significance. European countries, the fire and stole the golden mythical beast to kill a woman consumed and the Order of breath can travel long distances.

Asian culture is important to people these things wisely for the good life can be predicted is a lizard. Some Middle Eastern cultures and their stories, live on their land a big lizard, and three of them in the story passed through the evening campfire is a lizard. Most of the dragon story, but still the most popular stories of all time is still not known is rooted in the past.

Dragons Tattoos

Various types of dragons tattoos

Dragons TattoosIt is the most common type of tattoo, such as lizards, reptiles, appears as a monster with the attributes. Dragons tattoos Bar is more willing to scale each individual branch of the tongue body and displays that are common to reptilian creatures, including specifically dealing with the dragons tattoos expensive. For aviation, the strong wings like a bat and a fire breathing tattoo is often a component layout. In this way, most individuals can see the dragon in his imagination, because these factors typically include thedragons tattoos is selected. Dragons Tattoos

Tattoos often have something it.Dragons plus side, or directly faces a large wing rebels, usually a symbol of great strength to the needle used to fire on the graphic can be determined by the meanings of their tattoos and different to all the individuals selected to obtain meaning they were tattooed. dragons tattoos bring a smile revealing a common reflection on the inside, or look like they really long time to see wrinkles appearing in the construction is a symbol of wisdom and intellect. By Terje Brooks

Sleeve Tattoo Designs

Sleeve Tattoo DesignsSleeve Tattoo
Sleeve tattoos, also called tattoo sleeve refer to body art done on the arms or legs that cover and wrap around majority of the area as if forming a sleeve. This type of tat theme is rendered in three ways, half sleeve, quarter and full sleeve tattoos which all refer to the length of the designs.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cherry Blossom Tattoo Designs and Their Meanings

You see cherry blossom tattoos on many women these days as these such designs have grown in popularity among tattoo aficionados and first timers alike. This rush for distinct tattoos of cherry blossoms has given rise to a great interest in the meaning and symbolism of the cherry blossom in both the Chinese and Japanese cultures.

Since tattoos are very personal things, they can say a lot about a person so getting the right tattoo for the right reason is important. Since cherry blossoms mean different things in Chinese and Japanese society you should be aware that peoples of those backgrounds might react quite differently when they see it.

Cherry Blossoms In China

The Chinese see the cherry blossom as a symbol of power, particularly of the dominance of the feminine persona. This could mean a blossom tattoo is ideal for you if you are a strong willed woman who values her liberty and freedom or if you have recently come out of a difficult relationship.

It also stands for love if you are coming from the herbal lore approach.

Cherry Blossoms In Japan

In Japanese culture there is often a link between the blossoming of cherry tress and the Buddhist concept of "mono no aware" which refers to the reverence for life, the transience of being and the sadness at the passing of things. This is because cherry blossoms only appear on tress for short times before they fall to the ground.

This association with mortality is highly symbolic in Japan and has been used in traditional art there for many centuries along with more recent manga or anime. This link may however make a tattoo of cherry blossoms unsuitable for some. Alternatively, it may give you renewed appreciation for the fragility of life and help you make the most of your brief time on this Earth, while bringing you a different perspective on the hard times you may face; knowing that they will not last forever.

Getting A True Reflection Of Cherry Blossom In Your Tattoo

While it is true that there are many different varieties of cherry blossom, many people do not appreciate just how different looking they can be. In fact, the most common cherry tree in Japan is Somei Yoshino which has largely white blossom with only the faintest hint of pink on the petals.

Other popular choices do have very much more pink in their blossom and it is these that you will more commonly see as tattoos. But still, this is something you will have to think about when getting your tattoo. You should do some research, find pictures of tattoos other people have had and decide which you prefer. It might depend on your skin tone; those with pale skin will definitely want a more pink design whereas tanned or olive skinned people should think about paler pink or white flowers in their designs.

You should also think about how much of the branch to integrate into the overall tattoo design. Realism would dictate that you have a fair bit of branch with flowers clumped together along it but it will probably come down to both personal taste and where you intend the tattoo to be.

Getting Your Tattoo Done

If you have decided upon a tattoo incorporating cherry blossoms you should be very selective over whom you get to apply the design to your skin. Japanese art is very intricate as is the cherry tree itself so you need somebody who has experience in this type of tattoo. Make sure you talk over with them exactly what you want and don't be afraid to ask for amendments to their initial drawings so that the finished article is something you are happy to live with for the rest of your life.

So there you have it, I hope this overview of the meaning and symbolism of the cherry tree blossom has been useful in making up your mind about that tattoo you've been after.

Steve Waller has been a tattoo fan for years. Check out this brand new way to find cherry blossom tattoo designs online that you can print off and take along to any tattoo artist in your area.

Article Source:

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tattoo Designs - Tribal Tattoos

So you want a tattoo. You have your eye on one of those impressive tribal armband tattoos. They are nice. But whatever tattoo you chose, you want it to compliment you. Not insult or demean you. Tattoos are as old as mankind. Ancient Egyptian tattoos found on 5,000 year old mummies predate the pyramids. But ancient tattoos weren't just for adornment or self expression like today. They often served more practical purposes. They often had a spiritual significance, ancient warriors used them to declare their military affiliation and rank. On civilians tattoos denoted social rank and importance, or lack of same. For example, the Greeks placed tattoos on their slaves that broadcast the fact that the bearer should not be accorded the rights of a freeman and was in fact another person's property. While Greek spies used tattoos in espionage to smuggle coded messages in plain sight.

This tradition of practical tattoo use survives to this day in gangster culture. Gangsters desire to permanently mark themselves to show absolute devotion to their gangster family, and hopefully to strike fear in their enemies. Even though the gang-bangers know police find tattoos better than fingerprints, and unsurpassed for identifying them in a noninvasive manner at a distance. And despite the fact that wearing one gang's tattoo in another gang's territory could get the wearer killed. Again, traditionally tattoos can show devotion.

But how would you like to pick out a striking tattoo design, commit it to ink as your "forever statement", and only then find out it that it holds you up to ridicule, or is gang related and exposes you to sudden death?

For example, one of the most popular guys at my gym is a black guy I'll call "Pete." His nickname is "Lucky." Lots of us have tattoos and so when Pete announced he was taking the plunge we congratulated him. Tribal armbands are very popular in our crowd and he showed a marked interest so we assumed that would be his choice. But the personal choice involved in the tattoo selection is part of the allure so we made suggestions but didn't interfere or press him on his choice.

We should have.

No, I take that back. With personal choice comes personal responsibility, and Pete choose to do no research. Nor did he elect to ask satisfied tattoo recipients for recommendations of a skilled, responsible professional tattoo artist though he was surrounded by satisfied, and experienced tattoo customers. Both of these are vital prerequisites to getting a tattoo. No, Pete chose an "artist" who had set up shop in a booth at a local carnival and Pete caught him on the carnival's last night in town. You can tell where this is going. Pete proudly informed us the new tattoos on his biceps said "Lucky." in Chinese. He knew that's what the Chinese characters said because that's what he asked the artist to draw, and so he was wearing them now in 'forever ink.' It fell to one of our number, a PhD in Mandarin Chinese studies to break the news. The tattoos actually said "Monkey."

The carnival was long gone. But it left a really nice guy feeling like a clown.

Even if the "artist" who took advantage of our friend was still available, and repentant, there is little he could have done to fix the problem. Some people will have a tattoo artist tattoo over an objectionable tattoo. Possibly blotting it out, (often producing a real mess), Or obliterating it by making it part of another bigger unobjectionable tattoo.

Depending upon the artist's skill level this could simply produce a well-intentioned mess. But Pete could go to a doctor who specializes in removing tattoos with chemicals or lasers, which is usually painful and always expensive, quite often requiring several treatments. That is much more expensive than the tattoo, and still not always effective. That's about all you can do about a bad tattoo, but then the commitment and permanence involved in tattoos is part of the allure for most, making those prerequisites I gave you earlier, of over riding importance.

Tattoos were once frowned upon by polite society, and seen as a designation of the lower classes. They could keep you from being hired for many desirable jobs, which is still the case often today. Be aware your employer may require you as a matter of policy, to remove or cover a new tattoo. But attitudes are changing. Many trendy Hollywood and sports stars proudly sport their "tats."

So if you want a tribal tattoo do your prerequisite homework. Then decide on a tribal style; Celtic, Aztec-Mexican, Polynesian or what have you. Take your time and try to see samples of everything available before you make a decision. You can see tattoo designs online, in books, and e zines. Remember to avoid another common pitfall, that is that most newbies choose one of the first designs they see.

Want the dope on tattoo designs, what they mean and what they say about you? Go to my website

Article Source:

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Dragon Tattoo Designs - What You Must Know About Dragon Tattoo Designs

Dragon Tattoo Designs are by far one of the most popular designs people want to be "inked" with. It is usually sought after because dragons are associated with power, courage, and strength; of a free and fearless existence. After all, tattoos serve as a reflection of one's being and what better way to tell the world who you are by showing your desired traits via skin art.

It serves as an indication of a person's personality or a projection of what he or she wants to be like. It may even suggest a person's desires such as protection and security. By appropriating these meanings into their physical being, it encourages them to inculcate such attributes or manifest personal necessities into their being. The symbolism alone of the design can affect one's psychology and offer him comfort, ease, and peace of mind.

European and Asian dragons are the most commonly utilized dragon tattoo designs. They both originate from rich folklore and mythology, making symbolism all the more worthwhile. European dragons are those frequently illustrated in medieval tales whether as a castle guard or as a formidable sentry of wondrous treasures. Western interpretations describe it as a fire-breathing, bloodthirsty, and ferocious creature that malevolently breeds horror and fear.

Asian dragons on the other hand are a balance between good and evil. It is a being of power, mystery, benevolence, intelligence, wisdom, guardianship, supernatural powers, and of good will. It is both a fearsome and gentle creature. Asian dragon tattoo designs are more frequently used over European designs due to the versatility of meanings or simply because it appears to be more exotic with its highly stylized illustrations.

There's a wide variety of Chinese dragons and each comes attached with specific characteristics. The Horned dragon is believed to be the mightiest. Celestial dragons watch over the heavens and protect God; Earth dragons rule the world as Spiritual dragons control wind and rain. Treasure dragons, as their name suggests, are keepers of precious metals and gems. The Yellow dragon is hornless and is characterized by great scholarly knowledge. Coiling dragons live in the ocean while winged dragons are the only ones with wings.

As for Japanese dragon tattoo designs, you also have a broad array to choose from. Sui-Riu is a dragon king who is most especially powerful in times of drought since he controls both wind and rain. Han-Riu is one of the largest dragons spanning a length of forty feet with several stripes along its body. Ri-Riu is a rare breed with little known about it except for the fact that it has amazing eyesight. Ka-Riu is brilliantly red and petite in size while Fuku-Riu is a crowd favorite as it brings luck. Hai-Ryo evolved from Chinese mythology and is probably the most advanced dragon form (being a dragon bird).

Looking into dragons as your prospective tattoo design should be considered at great depths. A lot of thorough research must be done unless you'd want to end up with outdated or mistranslated meanings. Dragon tattoo designs not only give you freedom of expression and symbolism but of a greater appreciation for mythology too.

Click the links below to get your free Tattoo tips and guide

If you want more information on Dragon Tattoo Designs, a Free 4 Day Ecourse and a Free Ebook on Tattoos, then go Now to

Article Source:

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tattoo Skull Art - The Best Skull Tattoo Designs

Skull tattoos are just about as old as tattoos themselves. Tattoos have been around thousands of years and skulls have been inked on people for that entire time. Tattoo skull art, though an old tradition, is still evolving today and some of the best designs ever are still yet to be discovered.

If you are interested in finding the best tattoo skull art designs, you are in luck. In this article I am going to tell you exactly where to find the best printable designs that you can bring straight to the tattoo shop. I have done a lot of research on this topic and I think I can help you with your newest tattoo.

I recommend the skull design for anyone, no matter if it is your first or 20th tattoo. This design, though it may seem generic to some, is very popular for a reason. This reason is because it looks great! The old time look of a skull tattoo design is sure to turn some heads and get the attention to your ink that you want.

Now, about where to find the best tattoo skull art. Printable tattoo design databases are what I believe to be the only way to get the best designs. You could look on search engines and try to find pictures of tattoos, but your tattoo artist won't be very happy. The biggest reason why I like these databases so much is because of the quality printouts they can give you. You won't have to worry about a bad design and thus a bad looking tattoo.

So, these are just a couple of things to keep in mind when looking for the best tattoo skull art. Try this design and I know you will like it. It has a great look and there are many great designs available online to print out.

Check out the best Printable Tattoo Designs.

My blog, , explores the best options for printable tattoo designs.

Article Source:

Flower Tattoos

For some strange reasons, I like designing flower tattoos more than others. Flower tattoos are mostly favored by women, they are like clothes accessories except that you can wear your tattoo to bed. It's like having a piece of art with you all the time. I find women with tattoos more appealing, sexier, more feminine and more powerful.

The image of a tattoo can be so captivating that it stirs up all our senses. You can have a Rose tattoo with a barbed wire around it and still look very good. It's Ying and Yang, loving and sweet but authoritative and intimidating. But if you are intending to ink a flower tattoo on your body, it's best to find out the meaning of the flower and what you want it to represent. You can then combine different images to give contrasting impressions of your tattoos.

I have compiled a list of meaning of flowers as a guide before you tattoo them on your body. I cannot vouch how official these meanings are, but my research has shown them to be fairly consistent. flower tattoos are permanent, so look around before deciding on one.

BABY'S BREATH: Innocence.

BALSAM: Ardent love.


BOUVARDIA: Enthusiasm.

CACTUS: Endurance.

CALLA LILY: Magnificent beauty.

CAMELLIA: Gratitude.

CAMELLIA, PINK: Longing for you.

CAMELLIA, RED: You're a flame in my heart.

CAMELLIA, WHITE: You're adorable.

CARNATION: Fascination, distinction, divine love, woman

CARNATION, PINK: A woman's love, I'll never forget you, mother's love.

CARNATION, RED: Alas for my poor heart, admiration, my heart aches for you, fascination.

CARNATION, WHITE: Innocence, faithfulness, sweet and lovely, pure love, ardent love, good luck.

CHRYSANTHEMUM: Cheerfulness, optimism, rest, truth.


CHRYSANTHEMUM, WHITE: Truth, loyal love.


DAFFODIL: Regard, rebirth, new beginnings, unrequited love, you're the only one, chivalry.

DAFFODIL, SEVERAL: Joy, happiness.

DAISY: Innocence, loyal love, I'll never tell, purity.

DANDELION: Faithfulness, happiness, love's oracle.

DAY LILY: Coquetry, Chinese emblem for mother.

EREMURUS: Endurance.

EUPHORBIA: Persistence.

FORGET-ME-NOT: True love, hope, remembrance, memories.

FREESIA: Innocence, thoughtfulness.

GARDENIA: You're lovely, secret love, joy, sweet love, good luck.

GLADIOLUS: Strength of character, remembrance, infatuation, splendid beauty, give me a break.

GLOXINA: Love at first sight.

HEATHER, LAVENDER: Admiration, solitude, beauty.

HEATHER, WHITE: Protection, wishes will come true.

HIBISCUS: Delicate beauty.

HOLLY: Foresight, defense, domestic happiness, enchantment.

HOLLYHOCK: Ambition, fruitfulness.

HONEYSUCKLE: Bonds of love.

HUCKLEBERRY: Simple pleasure.

HYACINTH: Sport, play, games, rashness, dedicated to Apollo.

HYACINTH, BLUE: Constancy.


IRIS: Wisdom, Fleur-de-lis, emblem of France, your friendship means so much to me, faith, hope, valor, my compliments.

IRIS, WHITE: Purity.

JASMINE, WHITE or INDIAN: Amiability , I attach myself to you, sensuality, attachment.


JASMINE, YELLOW: Grace, elegance.

JONQUIL: Sympathy , love me, affection returned, desire.

LADY SLIPPER: Capricious beauty.


LAVENDER: Devotion.


LILAC: Youthful, humility, confidence.

LILY: Majesty, wealth, pride, innocence, purity.

LILY, WHITE: Purity, modesty, virginity, majesty, it's heavenly to be with you. LILY,

MAGNOLIA: Dignity, love of nature, nobility.

MIMOSA: Sensitivity.

MINT: Virtue.

MISTLETOE: Kiss me, affection, to surmount difficulties, sacred plant of India.


MOSS: Maternal love, charity.
NARCISSUS: Egotism, conceit, self love, self admiration, formality, stay as sweet as you are

NASTURTIUM: Conquest, victory in battle.

OAK LEAVES: Bravery.


ORANGE BLOSSUM: Purity, innocence, eternal love, marriage and fruitfulness, fertility.

ORCHID: Rare beauty, love, refinement, beautiful lady, Chinese symbol for many children, mature charm, beauty, long life.

PALM LEAVES: Victory, success.

PEPPERMINT: Cordiality.

PERIWINKLE: Friendship.

POPPY: Eternal sleep, oblivion, imagination.

POPPY, RED: Pleasure, consolation.

POPPY, YELLOW: Wealth, success.

PRIMROSE: I can't live without you.



RANUNCULUS: You are radiant with charm, radiant charm.

ROSE: Love, passion, perfection. The rose was named for the Latin word rosa which means red. It has been a symbol of love since ancient times.

ROSE, BURGUNDY: Beauty within.

ROSE, CORAL: Desire.


ROSE, HIBISCUS: Delicate beauty.

ROSE, LAVENDER: Love at first sight, enchantment.

ROSE, LEAF: You may hope.

ROSE, MOSS: Confessions of love.

ROSE, ORANGE: Fascination, display feeling of enthusiasm.

ROSE, PEACH: Desire, gratitude, apprecation, admiration, sympathy, modesty.

ROSE, PINK: Happiness, appreciation, admiration, friendship, sympathy.

ROSE, DARK PINK: Thankfulness.

ROSE, LIGHT PINK: Grace, gladness, joy, perfect happiness, please believe me, gratitude, admiration, gentility.

ROSE, RED: Love, passion, respect, courage, I love you, beauty, pure and lovely, prosperity.

ROSE, DEEP RED: Un-selfconscious beauty.

ROSE, SINGLE, FULL BLOOM: I love you, I still love you, new love.

ROSE, BUD, SMALL: Pure and lovely, beauty and youth, a heart innocent of love.

ROSE, THORNLESS: Love at first sight.

ROSE, WHITE: Innocence, purity, secrecy, I am worthy of you, silence, friendship, truth, virtue, girlhood, humility spiritual love, but of the soul, reverence, charm, happy love.

ROSE, WHITE, DRIED: Death is preferable to loss of virtue.

ROSE, YELLOW: Joy, friendship, true love, decrease of love, jealousy, try to care, freedom, slighted love, shows "I care", joy, gladness.

ROSES, RED & WHITE TOGETHER: Unity, flower emblem of England.

ROSES, YELLOW & RED TOGETHER: Happiness, congratulations.

ROSES, YELLOW & ORANGE TOGETHER: Passionate thoughts.

ROSEMARY: Remembrance, purity, rebirth.

SAGE: Virtue.

SALAL: Zest.

SCABIOUS: Unfortunate love.

SMILAX: Loveliness.

SNAPDRAGON: Deception, gracious lady, presumption.

SPEARMINT: Warm sentiment.

SPIDER FLOWER: Elope with me.


STATICE: Sympathy, remembrance, success.

STEPHANOTIS: Happiness in marriage, desire to travel.

STOCK: Lasting beauty, bonds of affection, promptness, you'll always be beautiful to me.

SUNFLOWER: Follows the sun as it grows, adoration, haughtiness.

SWEET WILLIAM: Gallantry, smile, finesse.

THYME: Activity.

TUBEROSE: Dangerous pleasure.

TULIP: Perfect lover, frame, flower emblem of Holland.

TULIP, RED: Believe me, declaration of love, fame.

TULIP, VARIEGATED: Beautiful eyes.

TULIP, YELLOW: Hopeless love, there's sunshine in your smile.

VIOLET: Modesty, faithfulness, innocence, understated beauty.

VIOLET, BLUE: Watchfulness, faithfulness, I'll always be true.

VIOLET, PURPLE: Thoughts of you, blue love.

VIOLET, WHITE: Let's take a chance, youthful innocence.

VIOLET, YELLOW: Love of country.

WATER LILY: Purity of heart.


WHEAT: Friendliness.

YARROW: Healing, sorrow.

ZINNIA: Thoughts of absent friends, in memory of an absent friend.


ZINNIA, WHITE: Goodness.

ZINNIA, YELLOW: Daily remembrance.

You can download all my free flower tattoos designs at

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Henna Simple Designs - How to Apply Henna Tattoos

Are you infatuated with henna simple designs? I know I am. The delicate and intricate lines with the impressive reddish brown hue are beautiful. And better yet, they're temporary, making it possible to try different designs and patterns later.

This technique of body art is a tradition that symbolizes beauty and has been passed down for centuries by the women who practice it. There are even references in the bible.
Henna designs can be found today in India, Sudan, and Pakistan.

But the use of henna simple designs is no longer isolated to a few countries. It has gained popularity in the West and is widely recognized and accepted as a form of expression.
You can now find celebrities like Prince and Madonna displaying their elaborate body art.

The easiest way to create henna simple designs is to do it yourself. The leaves of the henna plant are dried and then ground into a powder, the powder is then mixed with a liquid like hot water, eucalyptus oil, or clove oil, and made into a paste. The paste is put into a cone or applicator bottle, which is then used to apply the paste to the skin. The longer the design or pattern is allowed to dry, the darker the stain will be.

Traditionally henna simple designs were only applied to the hands and feet of the brides the night before their wedding. Now it can be found on body parts that are visible. Some popular spots are the back, stomach, shoulders, forehead, neck, and arms in addition to the hands and feet.

Looking for some henna simple designs?

Want to know how to apply them easily and effectively, check out

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Design Tattoo

Many tattoos of the Twentieth Century have been based upon mythological creatures. Unlike the past centuries, the mythology behind many of the subjects of lore have become a lot more fantastic and alluring to people of all ages nowadays. Still, there are those few groups (I usually like to call Bible-pounders) that believe the entire ideas behind tattoos are Satanic and blasphemous. I will always say, "To each his own". That philosophy works with everything for me. Don't like the radio station? Change it! Not interested in what is being played on the television? Turn it off! Don't like tattoos? Don't get one! Geez, is this that difficult?

Have you ever read the true Grimm Fairy Tales? They certainly do not have the Walt Disney "G" ratings on the original versions of the stories! Take the fable of "Snow White." In the Disney ending, she and Prince Charming live happily ever after. However, the wicked stepmother in Grimm's fairy tales was brought before the couple on their wedding day. There - in front of the wedding revelers - it is written that the stepmother was forced to dance in iron shoes - heated upon a blazing fire - until she dropped dead from the ordeal! Hmm, I must have missed that part in the Disney version!

Nevertheless, one can see how the beginnings of one myth or folklore can be changed over the centuries, to adapt to a more "G" rated crowd. The same can be said for certain designed tattoos. From the more arcane skulls and dragons, to the celestial fairies and hearts - the original meanings surrounding many of these designs have become more suitable to the owner of such tattoo art. Did you know that an ankle bracelet tattoo used to ward away the fear of drowning? On the other hand, some Native American tribes would etch markings upon their faces if they were hurting from something. (I.E. Chronic headache sufferers would tattoo their foreheads. Toothache victims would tattoo their cheeks.)

Whatever the reasons may have been, somewhere along the lines, hundreds - if not thousands - of designed tattoos have had their original meanings wiped clean, and were replaced with the more "G" rated idealisms of the Twentieth Century. I have two fairy tattoos, and they both are elegant, beautiful, nude wood nymphs. However, after a bit of research, I found that much fairy lore originated back to Ireland.

Would you ever guess the creatures of Ireland are told to look more troll-like and evil - performing all kinds of mischievousness for the farmers and other landowners within the "fairy" properties? In fact, many natives believe that to anger the fairies could cause even more catastrophic occurrences, such as the burning down of homes, and loss of life to both cattle as well as humans. Okay, the physique of the fairy tattoos that I have etched upon me truly differ, but as far as the mischievousness and the anger issues . . . well, nobody's perfect.

Tattoos last forever, so you'll want to be sure you've chosen the perfect one before you get inked. Did you know there may be up to 500 different styles for the tattoo you are thinking of getting? Flipping through hundreds of tattoo parlor books can get a little tiring. Why not just browse through a web site instead? You can see 1000s of a tattoo styles, ideas and pictures by Clicking Here. You can even create your own custom tattoo! []

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Girly Tattoos - What to Consider Before Getting One

As a girl or a young woman the most important thing for you most probably is not to be any different from your friends. You want to wear the same sort of clothes, listen to the same sort of music, like the same sort of movies, books, etc. And if many of your friends have tattoos (and your most famous celebrities) you will want to have a girly tattoo as well.

Well, tattoos got quite fashionable during the last couple of years and it is not so uncommon anymore that women and girls have tattoos also. Anyhow, even if it is a fashion, it is wise to consider that not everybody whom you will meet in the future is so tolerant and will like to look at your tattoo.

As a girl you want to be extra careful with your decision about getting a tattoo. Here are some tips what to consider before you make your final decision.

1. Ask yourself: "Do I really want to get a tattoo because of me or is it just because everybody else has got one? Do I still want to have this tattoo when I am not 18 or 20 anymore? Will my kids like it or will it make them feel awkward having a mother with a tattoo?
2. Think very carefully about the design you are going to pick. A girly tattoo like e.g. a cute little kitten may be a sexy accessory as long as you are young. But how about it when you will be 50 years or older? Pick a design you will feel comfortable with for very many years. And never, never, never pick the name of your boyfriend. Your boyfriend maybe gone some day, but your tattoo will stay with you forever.
3. Where do you want to have the tattoo on your body? Pick a place which can easily be covered if necessary or is hidden underneath your clothes anyway. A tattoo should never be anything to be ashamed of but it should be something you are doing for yourself not for others. So there is not necessarily a need to show your tattoo openly all the time.
4. Choose the right tattoo studio very carefully. If your friends already have tattoos ask them for recommendations, ask them about their experiences. But never go to a tattoo studio just because everybody else is going there. You are the one, getting a tattoo, so make sure that you will feel comfortable with the studio and the studio owner and that you can trust the people working there. Try out several different studios, ask all the questions you may have and then take your time to make your decision.
5. Watch out for your health. Make sure the instruments and needles at the tattoo studio are new and sterile and that the person, doing the tattoo on you, is wearing gloves. Take good care of your tattoo and do as you have been told: Cover the tattoo at first, clean it thoroughly and apply lotion frequently.
6. Tattoos for girls (as for everybody else) stay with you for a lifetime. Having a tattoo removed is very painful and very expensive and mostly the results look awful. So, think before you ink! If you are not absolutely sure about your decision, why not start with a temporary tattoo at first. Try it out for a couple of days, Find out if this is really for you - if not, you can just wash it off.

There are very many wonderful designs of tattoo for girls now and a nicely done tattoo can of course enhance the looks of a young woman. But still it remains a critical decision which should be made in a hurry.

Lilly-Mae Carpenter
Woman, lover of tattoos and mother

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Full Back Tattoos For Men

Flame tattoos on feet

Flame tattoos on feet

Tribal cross tattoo designs

Tribal cross tattoo designs in chest

cross tattoo designs is also available in the Tribal tattoo designs . Similar as Celtic crosses, tribal cross tattoo designs usually make use of the color black as its strongest and most prominent color

Monday, May 10, 2010

Shoulder Tattoo Designs For Your Next Tattoo

When planning your next tattoo, you're always faced with a lot of hard choices as your decision of a tattoo, whether it's your first or your next, is a pretty permanent decision. You need to be sure of what you want, the placement, how it will affect your social and cultural identity, the contours of your body and about the future and how it will age. One thing that I have learned is that shoulder tattoo designs and the corresponding tattoos tend to be very encouraging towards all factors you need to be sure of when getting one.
Tattoo placement can be a tricky issue for a variety of reasons and shoulder tattoos are relatively easy to come up with to tackle this task. There is a wide assortment of tattoo designs that you are able to choose from such as Celtic crosses, epic art pieces, unique and incredible tribal work and many other options. These designs are really easy to fit around and into the shoulder area and this is why I believe if you haven't had your shoulder tattooed yet, you should definitely take a look at some designs to see if you can find something that suits you. The way people perceive you can also be altered by getting a tattoo. If your social and cultural identity is important to you, then shoulder tattoo designs also offer you some great options because you can cover up your shoulder(s) easily with clothing. Having this ability is great due to the fact some jobs don't allow or want you to have body modifications let alone permanent ones like tattoos.

Tattoos age as we do. That's why it's important to take that into consideration the place, design and coloring of a tattoo. Shoulder designs allow you to get a piece of artwork on your body that will not age as much as other forms of tattoos. This is due to the fact your shoulder structure tends to change a lot less than other parts of your body, and this means a great tattoo that will need less touch-ups and will also be able to hold ink better than other areas. Another great aspect of getting a tattoo on your shoulder is you can use elements of your body such as your shoulder blades to create a very unique and contoured tattoo. So when you're looking at tattoo designs, take a look at shoulder tattoo designs because they allow you to get a tattoo on one of the best overall areas on the body. If you're worried about what people think it's really easy to hide the shoulders. Shoulder designs are very versatile and unique so that allows you a great deal of flexibility while selecting a tattoo also. Even with all the versatility of shoulder tattoo designs, you're pretty much guaranteed to have a tattoo that will last a long time before a touch up is required. Another thing that's awesome about shoulder tattoos is that they can really make a statement and tie other pieces together. Definitely have a look at shoulder tattoo designs when you're looking for ideas on your next tattoo.

By David Sahlstrom

Japanese Tattoo Designs - What You Must Know About Japanese Tattoo Designs

There are several types of tattoo designs in the world. However, among the many types of designs available, the most popular are probably Japanese tattoo designs. As a matter of fact, Japanese tattoos are recognized and are used not only by the Japanese but by people all over the world. What is the reason for this? Why did these designs receive such a huge welcome from the international community? What are the characteristics of these fantastic tattoos that make them so popular?


Japanese tattoo designs are very artistic. Most of these designs are very colorful and fluid, making them generally more appealing than other designs. Also, each design is usually made up of more than a single element woven together by intricate patterns of lines, transforming the tattoo into one elaborate painting on the skin.

For example, in more common Japanese designs such as the ones featuring Japanese koi fishes, tattoo masters already use more than six colors to finish the whole picture. This number just continues to go up as the intricacy of the patterns increases.


Japanese tattoo designs are rich in symbolism. This is because the art of Japanese tattooing is backed up by centuries of culture and tradition. Since the Japanese have such high regard for nature and spirituality, they often associate different creatures and places with deep spiritual meanings. This spirituality is what transforms their ink and design into works that embody or symbolize several things.

This is also why certain creatures, especially the more revered ones like the dragon, the tiger, and the Koi fish often make their way into the heart of most Japanese designs. The Japanese hold a special meaning for these creatures which is why they are often used in tattoo designs.

Powerful and Striking

These designs emit a sense of power, so much so that the body where the tattoo is placed on almost disappears instantly behind the picture. The mix of form, color and intricate patterns draws attention unlike any other type of tattoo design. This is also why these designs take much longer to complete than others. The details that come into assembling each design make these designs extremely powerful and alluring.

In contrast to other designs which clearly look and feel like ornamental accessories on the skin, Japanese tattoos are meant to stand out.


The more popular Japanese tattoo designs span the length of almost the entire body. Some of the best and most well known patterns can cover the whole back from the thighs all the way to the shoulders. Some even go all the way to the front reaching and covering the more sensitive areas of the breast, the collar bone, as well the crotch. Can you imagine the pain that these people had to endure just to get a Japanese tattoo?

According to Yoshihito Nakano, a well-known Japanese tattoo master, some of his tattoo designs are so expansive that it even takes him two years to complete.

Click the links below to get your free Tattoo tips and guide.

By Glastow Lopinot

Shooting Star Tattoos

Star tattoos are very popular tattoo designs for women as well as men and is also considered as a first tattoo that are small in design, simple and less complicated but has a great impact on the person's appearance.

There are many variations of star tattoos and many people claim that these images have a powerful symbolic or supernatural meaning and have always been awe inspiring, even today in this scientific age with reliable reasons. That is why stars and star tattoos continue to be a powerful symbol from the ancient past till today. Recently shooting stars tattoos have become very popular. They are usually tattooed on the arms, shoulders, ankles or abdomen. They seem to be a popular form of tattoo due to its special meaning although it varies from person to person and in addition to it they can also be incorporated into different tattoo styles creating variations. Tattooist finds it very easy and interesting to create variations in this simple design of star making it more striking.

Shooting stars tattoos have become very popular image, being versatile and pretty in recent years. Tattooist can incorporate a 'trail' of smaller stars, which looks very pretty and delicate - a great way for a tattoo to cover a slightly larger area behind a shooting star. A shooting star tattoo done in black and a star within it and three little stars in the tail is believed to bring good luck.

Shooting star tattoos depicts different stories. Shooting stars, asteroids, and the movement of the heavenly bodies in the night sky have always fascinated human beings and there had been fables related to these heavenly bodies which did not had any scientific reason behind it. Earlier people were too superstitious and some cultures even had strong beliefs and superstitions in the meaning of shooting stars. They were thought to be a symbol of a new birth and changes in ones life and also a wish for a better life and this belief still continues to exist although the extent such belief is less then it was earlier. Presently a lot of people seem to be getting them to express their inner desire to be a star. They are read as a symbol of reaching ones ultimate destiny. Shooting stars tattoos are very popular among the Hollywood stars, pop stars and other celebrities. Apart from the symbolization it has become a part of fashion statement.

By Jackson Dylan

Tribal Sparrow Tattoo Design

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Tribal Sparrow Tattoo Design

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Tribal Sparrow Tattoos Design

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Tribal Sparrow Tattoo Designs